Mass on the Grass Brings Elms Students Together

On Monday, September 9, Our Lady of the Elms School in Akron, Ohio officially kicked-off the school year with a 'Mass on the Grass'.  Father Tom Haren, a priest in residence at Saint Michael's Parish in Independence, Ohio, officiated, and Deacon Mike Capitena, a teacher at the Elms, assisted. It was a beautiful day to celebrate the Holy Spirit, as well as the Blessed Mother's birthday. The girls sat so quietly as Father Haren told the story of the role of the Blessed Mother, from birth to assumption into Heaven.  Our newly-formed Mass choir/band also did a fantastic job under the direction of music teacher Natalie Ely! The excellent sound quality of the readings, homily, and music was made possible through a very generous donation of a new sound system from the Akron Motherhouse! This Mass was then followed by a picnic lunch, complete with cake to celebrate our Blessed Mother's birthday! It was so touching to see the older girls interacting and playing games with the younger girls! We thank all who worked to make this event possible, and would especially like to thank the Dominican Sisters of Peace for the use of the Motherhouse lawn for this Holy Mass and celebration!

Amber Hejl