College Counseling

Our College Counselor assists students with the college planning process, including:  career, admission, and financial aid.  In the fall of the Junior year, a comprehensive evening program, Beginning the College Process, is held to ensure that each family is prepared with information to help their daughter make the best transition from high school to college.  In November, an evening College Financial Aid program with a university financial aid administrator is planned for Juniors, Seniors, and their parents.  During the winter of their Junior year, the counselor meets 1:1 with each Junior and her parent(s) to individualize the college search and ensure that a comprehensive plan is in place.  

Seniors meet with our College Counselor throughout their final year at the Elms - writing counselor recommendations, guiding the college application process, and providing scholarship and financial aid information.   Always, our College Counselor is working to maintain and build a strong relationship with colleges and their representatives as they arrange to meet with our students.

Naviance’s Family Connection is an incredible college web-based system that we use to research colleges and careers, create resumes, organize data, link to scholarships, house summer enrichment programs, and communicate resources to our families.

Parents are always welcome to meet with our College Counselor as we prepare together for your daughter’s future.

College Planning Resources